Royal Marines Commando - Underslung Grenade Launcher
Royal Marines take a knee while on patrol during a training exercise. The foremost Royal Marine is armed with a SA80A2 Underslung Grenade Launcher (UGL). The UGL incorporates a Heckler & Koch AG-36 40mm grenade launcher, ISTEC range drum.
This Royal Marine's rifle is also fitted with a SUSAT sight and a Mk1 Laser Light Module (LLM 01). Made by Oerlikon Contrave of Germany, the LLM is an infrared / visible light aiming and illumination device. The infrared element projects an infrared laser visible only through night vision devices, either as a narrow beam for aiming or pointing, or set to a wide beam and used as an illumination aid. The laser can also project a red laser beam that is visible in a range of lighting conditions. Finally, a 200 lumen LED torch provides naked-eye light illumination
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