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Special Air Service Operations

This section features some notable special operations of the SAS.

1980 - The Iranian Embassy Siege

The SAS's most public operation - one which set the standard in counter-terrorism.

1981 - The Gambia - Hostage Rescue

A small team of SAS men are flown into Africa to rescue hostages and reverse a coup.

1982 - The Falklands - Raid On Pebble Island

In the first land attack of the war, D Squadron raid an Argentine airfield.

1987 - Northern Ireland - Ambush At Loughgall

In a controversial ambush, the SAS intercept an IRA active service unit as they attack a Police Station.

1987 - Peterhead Prison Siege

The SAS deploy to the scene of a Scottish Prison riot and end it with non-lethal but brutal force.

1988 - Operation Flavius - Gibraltar

A controversial SAS operation against an IRA active service unit on the Rock Of Gibraltar.

more info : Operation Flavius

1991 - Victor Two

Echoing their World War 2 beginnings, the SAS take to the Iraqi desert to raid an Iraqi communications center.

more info : 1991 - Victor Two

1997 - Counter Sniper Ops - Northern Ireland

A joint SAS/14 Company operation against an IRA sniper unit in South Armagh.

more info : Counter Sniper Ops

1997 - Operation Tango - Bosnia

The SAS operation to arrest 2 suspected war criminals.

more info : Operation Tango

1998 - Operation Ensue - Serbia

The SAS capture a Serb war criminal from his hideout in Serbia.

more info : Operation Ensue

2000 - Operation Barras - Sierra Leone

When British soldiers are held hostage, the SAS lead a daring rescue mission into the heart of the African jungle.

more info : Operation Barras

2001 - Operation Trent - Afghanistan

A 2-squadron strike against a Taliban base in the Aghanistan mountains.

more info : Operation Trent

2005 - Operation Marlborough - Baghdad

An SAS sniper mission against insurgents in the middle of the Iraqi capital.

2005 - Basra Rescue

The SAS rescue 2 of their own held captive in Basra

more info : Basra Rescue

2006 - Hostage Rescue - Baghdad

A multi-national operation, led by the SAS, rescues 3 western peace activists held captive by Iraqi kidnappers.

2012 - Hostage Rescue - Afghanistan

British and American special forces rescue aid workers from kidnappers in Badakhshan Province.

more info : Baghdad Hostage Rescue (news report)

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42 Commando Vikings
SFSG Marksman
SFSG soldier armed with HK417 rifle
view: SFSG Marksman
Squadron Reconnaissance Team (SRT)
view: 539 ASRM SRT


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