Special Boat Service (SBS)
Less well-known than their army counterparts, the Special Boat Service is the UK's naval special forces unit. SBS operators tend to come from the Royal Marine Commandos although the SBS is tri-service. The SBS is part of UKSF, along with the SAS, SRR and SFSG.

more info: SBS boats

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more info: more UKSF videos

more info: SFBOs
The SBS has around 100-200 operators, divided into 4 squadrons : C,X M and Z
more info: SBS organisation
SBS History
The SBS was formed during World War 2 and has evolved from a small commando unit to the fully-fledged special forces organisation it is today.
read about: SBS history
A look at the rivalry and differences between the 2 special forces units.
more info: SBS vs SAS
SBS Selection
SBS candidates undergo a grueling selection process.
more info
: SBS selection process
SBS Skills & Training
SBS operators are also learning new skills and improving on skills already aquired..
more info
: SBS skills
SBS Operations
Since 9/11, the Special Boat Service has been deployed against Al Qaeda in the global war on terror, often working side by side with their SAS colleagues. In Afghanistan, one SBS patrol got drawn into one of the largest and bloodiest battles of the war as they helped to squash an uprising of captured Taliban and Al Qaeda prisoners at a medieval fort.
During the allied invasion of Iraq in 2003, SBS teams, working with US Navy Seals, secured and scouted the beaches on the Al Faw Peninsula, paving the way for amphibious landings. Other SBS teams secured the southern oil fields. One Land Rover column of around 60 SBS men, operating in the North, were ambushed by Iraqi forces and had to fight their way out of trouble.
The SBS is were heavily engaged in Afghanistan, where they targetted Taliban leadership in a series of successful operations.
more info: SBS operations
SBS Roles
As a maritime special forces unit, the SBS has some specialised roles.
more info: roles of the SBS
SBS Weapons
The SBS use/have used some specialised weapons.
read more on: SBS weapons
SBS Boats
The SBS employ all manner of surface and underwater vessels.
more info: SBS Boats
Black Water
Don Camsell's fantastic first-hand account of his life in the SBS is required reading for anyone interested in the Special Forces.
A superb read for anyone interested in the SBS.
Supporting Elements
Signals Support
The SBS have signals support in the form of the SBS Signals Squadron
Special Forces Boat Operators
These specially-trained Royal Marines coxwains pilot various boats in support of SBS operations.
more info: SFBOs