United Kingdom Looks To Buy New Special Forces Helicopters
The United Kingdom is looking to buy 16 Chinook helicopters from American manufacturer, Boeing, it has been revealed.[1]
The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency released details of the proposed sale on the 19th of this month. The specifications of the aircraft accessories detailed in the report, such as a multi-mode radar setup, electro-optical sensors, extended range fuel tanks, missile warning system and RF countermeasures indicate that the delivered aircraft will be of a similar standard to the MH-47G Chinooks flown by the U.S. Army in the special operations role.
The text of the notice includes:
“The Government of United Kingdom has requested a possible sale of sixteen (16) H-47 Chinook (Extended Range) helicopters; thirty-six (36) T-55-GA-714A engines (32 installed, 4 spares); forty-eight (48) embedded GPS inertial navigation units (32 installed, 16 spares); twenty (20) common missile warning systems (16 installed, 4 spares); twenty-two (22) radio-frequency countermeasures (16 installed, 6 spares); nineteen (19) multi-mode radars (16 installed, 3 spares); nineteen (19) electro-optical sensor systems (16 installed, 3 spares); forty (40) M-134D-T mini guns, plus mounts and tools (32 installed, 8 spares); and forty (40) M240H machine guns, plus mounts and tools (32 installed, 8 spares).
This sale also includes communications equipment; navigation equipment; aircraft survivability equipment; initial training equipment and services; synthetic training equipment; support package including spares and repair parts; special tools and test equipment; aviation ground support equipment; safety and air worthiness certification; technical support; maintenance support; technical and aircrew publications; mission planning system equipment and support; and, project management and governance; U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistic and program support. [2]
Total estimated cost is $3.5 billion.”
The most likely operators of the new choppers are 7 Squadron Royal Air Force (RAF) who currently fly the Chinook HC6 in the Special Forces (SF) support role.
While the Chinook HC6 is a sophisticated aircraft, there's no doubt 7 Squadon would benefit from helicopters of a standard closer to the MH-47G. In particular, the 'fat' fuel tanks will provide significantly longer legs and the multi-mode radar with its terrain-following, terrain-avoidance, ground mapping, and weather detection capabilities will enable flying at low level in adverse conditions. [3]

Critics of Ministry of Defence procurement will likely be watching this one with interest, recalling the previous attempt to purchase a fleet of Chinooks for the Special Forces. That debacle resulted in a massive overspend and the aircraft remaining out of use for years until finally being brought into general service in a downgraded configuration. [4]
It is likely that the 16 new-build aircraft will replace some of the older airframes in the UK fleet, rather than increasing its overall size.
More info / further reading:
- 1. UK cleared to procure additional Chinook helicopters, likely configured for special operations
(Jane's 360)
- 2. United Kingdom – H-47 Chinook (Extended Range) Helicopters and Accessories
(Defense Security Cooperation Agency)
- 3. Blog: UK Vs US Special Ops Chinooks
(Elite UK Forces)
- 4. Special Forces On Track For New Chinooks
(Elite UK Forces)