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Exercise Green Dagger - 45 Commando
45 Commando recently deployed to the United States for Exercise Green Dagger. The exercise was held in the Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, a huge training complex in the Mojave desert, California.
Exercise Green Dagger saw 45 Commando Group go up against U.S. Marines in Live Fire Tactical Training (LFTT) and Force on Force (FEX) training scenarios.
The U.S. exercise was part of 45 Commando's force generation cycle in its lead up to taking up the Lead Commando Group role.
Here are some photos from the exercise...

Men with 45 Commando Group take a knee during during Exercise Green Dagger. The foremost Royal Marine is preparing to deploy a smoke grenade.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Victor A. Mancilla

A Royal Marine, armed with an SA80A2 rifle fitted with blank firing adapter, moves through green smoke.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Victor A. Mancilla

Royal Marines with 45 Commando pictured during the exercise. The rightmost Royal Marine is carrying a Javelin anti-tank missile. During the exercises, 45 Commando were up against U.S. Marines armour, including M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Victor A. Mancilla

Royal Marines provide fire support from Jackal 2 vehicles.
Image by L(Phot) Barry Wheeler © UK MOD / Crown Copyright 2018 | used under open government licence

A Royal Marines machine gun team move through the desert. Note the General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG), mounted on a tripod and being carried across the shoulders of the rightmost bootneck, is set up in sustained fire (SF) mode.
Image by L(Phot) Barry Wheeler © UK MOD / Crown Copyright 2018 | used under open government licence

An artillery spotter with 29 Commando Royal Artillery uses a Surveillance System and Range Finder (SSARF).
Image by L(Phot) Barry Wheeler © UK MOD / Crown Copyright 2018 | used under open government licence