1 Rifles

From April 2008, the British Army's 1st Battalion, The Rifles (1 Rifles) became part of 3 Commando Brigade.
Note: 1 Rifles is no longer a component of 3 Commando Brigade.
The Chepstow based 1 Rifles combines the 1st Battalion, Devonshire and Dorset Light Infantry and the 1st Battalion, Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Light Infantry. The addition of of the 600-strong 1 Rifles gives 3 Cdo Bde a fourth maneuver unit, complementing 40, 42 and 45 Commando, resulting in a more agile and flexible force.
At a unit level, 1 Rifles are not fully Commando trained, although individual soldiers within the Battalion will have the opportunity to volunteer for the All Arms Commando Course (AACC) and it is expected that many will do so. 1 Rifles will be undergoing specialist amphibious training, to be completed by 2010.
(MOD video)