Commando Helicopter Force Get New gun
The Sea King helicopters of the Commando Helicopter Force (CHF) have been fitted with new and improved door guns, it has been revealed.
Sea King HC4 helicopters will now be capable of toting the M3M .50 calibre machine gun. Previously, the aircraft could only use the 7.62mm GPMG. The M3M is a variant of the HMG which has been adapted for use on helicopters and offers a significant upgrade in firepower.
Other Air Arms have already successfully fielded the M3M. Royal Navy Lynx HMA 8 helicopters, for example, have fielded M3Ms during counter narcotics and counter piracy operations.
846 Naval Air Squadron (846 NAS) Sea King HC4s will be supporting 16 Air Assault Brigade when it deploys to Afghanistan in October.

Further reading:
Commando Helicopter Force get to grips with new gun
(Defence News)